Parametric design in MoI?

 From:  James (JFH)
7713.832 In reply to 7713.831 
Hi Max,

Thanks for getting back to me, & thanks for the update: it's perfect! Great Stuff.

>> 2. set "io_text_highlight" and "io_highlight" parameters in colors.js <<.

I think it is best with "io_text_highlight" set to "false"

Did you happen to see my earlier post regarding a graphical num array re-mapper:

Is this something that would be capable to achieve in canvas?
I do think it would have wide ranging application.

But I don't want you to think I am not satisfied with your recent update;
I could not be more grateful

Thank you

P.S. Some thoughts on Remapper widget:

By input a new range as well as the array to be remapped will increase widgets utility, so curve may be a straight line if all that is desired is to remap an array to within new range with easing; replacing my macro:

EDITED: 29 Jul 2018 by JFH
