Parametric design in MoI?

 From:  James (JFH)
7713.830 In reply to 7713.818 
Hi Max

I had a look in the nodeeditor directory to see if there was a css file that I may alter so that the nodes showed input and output colours by default rather than only when being connected to. I believe it would be better if the nodes communicated what they "needed" from the outset. (perhaps when they were being connected to, they could high-light in white? OR alternatively dot coloured from the outset & labels coloured only when being connected)

Also in most cases it seems redundant to label outputs, but even more so, if they are coloured.

Maybe you are not in agreement with this proposal, but please give it some consideration.

Have a great weekend

PS I found css stuff, in index.html. I'll see if I can modify.

EDITED: 30 Jul 2018 by JFH

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