Parametric design in MoI?

 From:  Michael Gibson
7713.788 In reply to 7713.784 
Hi James & Max - for the next beta I've added a ontrackpadgesture HTML event so the node editor can use it to do zoom/pan navigation with a Mac trackpad.

I've got pinch to zoom working, and it could also be possible to use the 2 fingers scroll gesture to do panning instead of mousewheel like zoom (where only up/down motions with the 2 fingers are used), but one complication with doing panning like that is it looks like some nodes respond to onmousewheel themselves to do their own actions. One way to work with that is that if the mouse is over a node like that, then it could send a mousewheel to that node instead of panning. But that would mean that while you were panning around your panning would suddenly stop if you happened to position one of those wheel-responsive nodes under the mouse. Maybe another possibility is to do the mousewheel type scroll if you hold down the Ctrl key. Any thoughts?

- Michael