Parametric design in MoI?

 From:  mkdm
7713.670 In reply to 7713.669 
Hi Max.

Thanks a lot for this new updated lib! Great job! this way you've taken all the fun to coding on my own from scratch :)

Anyway...I'm going to use you example code as a solid base to build a new UI for that left panel.

Ok. For the icon size I will go for this solution :

1) If you want, during my spare time, I can design all icons for all standard nodes of NE.
I will design using Affinity Designer, a very powerful vector editor, therefore I won't have any problem with scaling and I will be able to export the icons at any resolution and size.

2) I will design the icons in flat style with these dimensions :
Dark grey rounded box 32x32 px round radius 4px color Hex 373737.
Inner icon max 24x24 flat white or bicolor

This is a real size example :

We can always decide to export the icons from Affinity with different sizes if we see that 32x32 is not good.

Is it OK for you ? if yes I can start the creation of icons and js coding.

3) @You : "...I think it is not bad idea for a plain design icons. We could draw a node icon and convert it to a compact data string.
It will be much smaller than base64 encoded png and can be exported directly from MoI."

I'm sorry but I didn't understand what you mean. Could you please be more clear ?

Thanks a lot and have a nice day.

We'll catch up.


- Marco (mkdm)