Parametric design in MoI?

 From:  mkdm
7713.657 In reply to 7713.656 
Hi Max.

@You : "...It's OK. Looks good....I'll make small change in init.js...I'll send you an example today evening."


@You : "...The better and more clear way is store the icons inside every node as base64 encoded image...."

Ok, I agree. Every node must expose a property for the based64 image,
so I can read it in runtime during the generation of the graphical menu UI.

And each author of any node must fill that information.

Anyway, this should be optional.
If an author doesn't want to provide any icon for its node he is free to do that.
But if an author want the icon displayed for his node he must fill that property of the node with the based64 data.

Right ?

I stay tuned.


- Marco (mkdm)