Next beta has arrived :) v.0.90.2017.02.26
- Added "Average" and "Cross" modes in processInOut function.
I checked "averege" mode written by community, and decided to rewrite it. :) Sorry. It may cause bugs with v.0.85 nodes which uses this function. Could someone send me old node files for testing this mode?
At the moment the "Cross" mode works with 2-input nodes only. If node has one or more than two inputs, the mode will be changed to "Long" automatically.
- Fixed bug in processInOut function. Now it works correctly with nodes without inputs.
- Directory structure and some filenames has been changed
CSS files moved to /core/css
Added /nodes/extensions directory for nodebundles written by community :)
Added /nodes/extensions/libs directory for additional math/geometry libraries. All .js files in this directory will be started before all /nodes/extensions/*.js files.
- Load file function improvements
Now all node files will be loaded correctly even if some nodes are missing. In this case the missing nodes will be marked. "Save", "Run" and "Step" buttons will be blocked.
- Changed some mouse button functions (I made interface closer to original MoI interface)
Left mouse button:
click on background and drag - selection tool
shift + click on background and drag - selection tool (addition mode)
alt + click on background and drag - move canvas
click on node - select node
shift + click on node - select node (addition mode)
click on node and drag - move node
click on linked input - disconnect input
double click on node - open info window
double click on background - show/hide debug info
shift + double click on background - select all nodes
Right mouse button:
click and drag - move canvas
click - context menu
Middle mouse button:
click on node - select/deselect node
click on background and drag - move canvas