Parametric design in MoI?

 From:  Karsten (KMRQUS)
7713.571 In reply to 7713.562 
Hello Max,

>>>>>Upd: Forgot to say, that I don't like idea about logical variables type. I think it will be much better to use numarray type for logical operations. X>0 = True, X<=0 False.
Anyway it's not a final decision. We can discuss it :)

I choosed boolean type, because your nodeeditor supports it and you have a clear separation between the datatypes (colors and connection behavior). But I think we can switch to numarray. Numarray is already available as additional output in the compare node, so the changes are not complex. I don't know how much performace and memory is lost by using booleans, but I think thats your minds behind your objection.

Have a nice day