Parametric design in MoI?

 From:  Karsten (KMRQUS)
7713.498 In reply to 7713.474 
Hello WastZZZ,
I have 3 different objects: a, b, c.
How do I linear array them randomly? For instance a,a,b,a,c,c,a,b,b,a etc..

I thought about your intention to randomly array. There are various ways to implement such things, maybe it is possible to do that with the things, already present in V0.85 - I don't know. So my first idea is a node for that. It takes your input objects and create a new and longer array with randomly copies of your originals. These new objects can be placed with e.g. orient to any point array. Please try the attached files and give a feedback, if it is useful - maybe someone else has a better idea.

Have a nice day

EDITED: 6 Mar 2019 by KMRQUS
