Parametric design in MoI?

 From:  speedy (AL2000)
Hello Karsten
By now you have become my adviser, and I hope you can tell me
how to solve my problem-
During v.077 and versions v .080
I tried to play some learning exercises -
With the advent of the v. 085 I have removed from the folder (nodeeditor)
all folders into of the old version, and I just added those relating at the latest version .....
Now , if I try to re-open the old files appear to me
error messages on the Canvas...
How can I overcome the problem ...
Possible that there is no compatibility between the old version
and the new.......
I attach a file that can not be loaded , and
I hope you can help me , and tell me how to fix it-
Thank you and excuse me if you abuse your time
and your patience-

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