Parametric design in MoI?

 From:  Max Smirnov (SMIRNOV)
Yes! I did it! :)
In this version I replaced "number" type with "numarray". Nodeeditor now uses only three types of data: objectlist (built-in moi type, in fact it's object array), point/frame array, number array.
Now you can send multiple values to each node input.
For example, you can create Circle node and set radius "10,15,33", and you will get three circles(use "," as array separator and "." as decimal separator).
Or create Point node and set X "0,2,4", Y "0,3,6", Z "0,5,10". In this case nodeeditor will process all arrays simultaneously. You will get three points(x,y,z): (0,0,0) (2,3,5) (4,6,9)
Also you can set arrays with a different lengths. In this case the arrays can be processed with different methods. Right now I implemented two methods "Long" and "Short"
This picture will help you to understand how it works.

Later I'll add Cross and Interpolation modes. But first I need to make "resize/interpolation" node.
Also I need to make Range slider node because some nodes uses arrays as range settings.

EDITED: 7 Mar 2022 by SMIRNOV