After much study learning how the Motor2.nod works, I did a documentation PDF.
Also, there were 3 miscellaneous observations of very minor concern:
1. The first rotate node has input label "In" instead of "Objects." (This is apparently an old version leftover?)
2. Regarding arcsin (asin), the order of mathematical operation appears to be
nonstandard. (An additional set of () was added around the asin opperands.)
3. The Rotate nodes Z angle inputs are obeying the "Left Hand Rule," rather than the "Right Hand Rule." (OK I guess)
4. Increasing positive angle results in Clockwise rotation. (OK)
- Brian
The Word to PDF conversion makes the SnagIt MoI PNG blurry :-(
So I need a different way to make the PNG?
Edit: Updated PDF with new Figure 1 PNG from CustomUI Snapshot Right Click, and added a couple of sentences.