Parametric design in MoI?

 From:  mkdm
7713.355 In reply to 7713.354 
Hi Karsten,

I'm glad to know that you appreciated my little contribution and also that you haven't found some strange bugs...

Currently i'm working on a node that will be called "ArraySketcher".
It will process a PointArray and, following some criteria, it will use the array elements to draw some basic geometry objects :

"Triangles", "Quads", "Curve", "Interpcurve", "Arc3pt", "Circle3pt", "Rect3pts", "EllipseDiam","EllipseCen" and some others...

I also wrote "PatternSelObjects" node, that does the same things of "PatternSelArray", but with it,
it's possible to operate on a ObjectList rather than a PointArray.

I hope to post soon these new nodes.

Thank you for your reply and have a nice day!

Marco (mkdm).

EDITED: 31 May 2016 by MKDM