To switch to an arrow cursor, locate the litegraph.css file under nodeeditor\css\, and change "crosshair" to "default", without the quote marks.
(Line 4)
Attached is a lighter grid.png replacement for the canvas. In the canvas display it still seems to be relatively dark.
The Wand selector of the Greenfish Icon editor cannot distinguish between two different tints and/or tones and/or shades, which are nearly the same .
This makes it hard to select the proper areas of the grid.png for editing.
The Wand selector of the IcoFX2 icon editor can so distinguish, but does not do Hex colors. Setting one of the two colors of Grid.png to a very different color allows the .png to be edited in the Greenfish Icon editor, which does do Hex colors.
- Brian
Grid.png removed as no longer needed.