Parametric design in MoI?

 From:  Barry-H
Hi Karsten,
looking at your motor node using the boolean function to indicate a clash of objects gave me an idea.
Is it possible to automatically space an array by using the boolean function.
At the moment I have a AutoArray based on the object bounding box plus gap and orientation
that will automatically fill a given square or rectangle area.
The only problem with this is I have to manually adjust the gap for objects that can
overlap the bounding box.
Ideally I would like to set a minimum gap between objects to maximise the fill.
The way I see it working is to Offset the object by half the gap required.
Space the array centres based on the offset object bounding box .
If boolean of offset object = true ok finish
else reduce centres by given step till boolean true.
So the question is how do I get a true or false from the boolean to use and how to keep
looping reducing the centre distance till true.
Any idea's ?
