Parametric design in MoI?

 From:  Karsten (KMRQUS)
7713.326 In reply to 7713.324 
Hello Marco,

if you want to use sweep it is also useful to evaluate the startFrame of the railcurve for profile placement. You will find a node for that in infonodes. To get it run you have to replace the pushFrame function in litegraph.js with the posted in this thread. What I am think about at the moment is to put such meta informations like startframes of curves, boundingboxes, curve length, mass, ... in a functions container. Max has already made a addOutput-function. I think it would be better to put such functions as additional outputs to nodes, than create separate nodes for it. Unfortunateli are my programming skill are very limited and I can't find a node with an addOutput as a template to study. Maybe Max have one?
A nice weekend to all