Parametric design in MoI?

 From:  mkdm
7713.313 In reply to 7713.311 
Hi Karsten,

Thank you for your reply.

Only for name's Marco, not Mauro.

Regarding my last nodes (Circles, GetBBoxes, Cones, Cylinders and Spheres), almost totally based on Max's original nodes,
i'll try to find time to publish some screen cap.
Meantime you could use the .node file that i posted in

N.B. : All the nodes needs latest version of Max's node editor (0.65b).

In my garbage time i'm working on others ideas and little refinement for this fantastic plugin, that Max gave us.

1) Making nodes : Rectangles, Polygons, Stars

2) Creating a node that could do this thing :
a) Accept a Pointarray as input
b) Provide some criteria to define a sort of slicing rules to apply to the array.
c) Return a the resulting Pointarray or an "array of Pointarray"

For example, given a point array of 100 elements, define a criteria (using a math formula ?) to slice the original array
into 5 little arrays, each of which containing only certain elements of the original array.

3) Try to do a little refinement of the NodeEditor's UI, like illustraded in the attached pictures.

What do you think about these ideas ?

I also hope that Max will appreciate.


Image Attachments:
Size: 291 KB, Downloaded: 64 times, Dimensions: 1637x1160px
Size: 1.3 MB, Downloaded: 66 times, Dimensions: 1917x1035px