Parametric design in MoI?

 From:  Karsten (KMRQUS)
7713.278 In reply to 7713.277 
Hello Pilou,

it's an internal function of the nodeeditor to push a frame in a pointarray. Caused by the switch to this united datatype I need it to e.g. evaluate the startpoint orientation of a curve and provide an orientated (point inculding frame )pointarray-type as an output. So you can make a curve, get the startframe and align a circle to it for a e.g. sweep.
The only diffrence to this example is that I separated the function form the curve (old GeneralCurve) in a node. Advantage: you can use the node for various curves.

You will find a draft in getCurveStartFrame in Infonode.js posted here. Problem: the name is to long -> to much space wastage on @'y'@ surface - any ideas?

Have a nice day