Parametric design in MoI?

 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
7713.264 In reply to 7713.260 
@Bemfarmer : Thx for the remarks and files' help!
I must update following each Max's versions (and some variable words) so possible to have some little differences.
I must also adapt with the actual French version of the Moi prog itself and Max Elephant.
Scale... was yet made on my site! ;)

About the dupplication words you right but as it's any consequence on the result I will erase them at the end.
It's because the list of Max is very short and I take on the fly words using the nodes on the screen! ;)
And sure for excellence i should use some sort's actions like your Excel method ...

About some words like "Widget" there is no satisfactory French translation! :)
A suivre...

EDITED: 9 May 2016 by PILOU