Parametric design in MoI?

 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
7713.122 In reply to 7713.121 
>> Has this been done parametrically?
No, that was some normal Circular Array after your Astra nodes result! :)

But of course you can as shown with your last post! ;)
And you can make some fractal "LinePoly" of "LinePoly" of "LinePoly" of .......... :)

LinePoly Works fine for me!

Now Make the same with a selected object! ;)

PS Zoom is not existing in the edit window of Elephant ?

And yes now the problem is the tumultuous new nodes functions to integrate in the core of Elephant! :)
(4 th generation of factories.js file! :)

PSS Better if you can put the entiere drawing image of the Nodes! ;)
Sorry here in French/English

EDITED: 12 Dec 2015 by PILOU