Parametric design in MoI?

 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
7713.101 In reply to 7713.100 
Thanks: it's more clear for me! :)
You have forgotten the file .nod !;)

French Multi-Language file lang.js :
can be also found here :

@Max : about the translation : I have found that the more easy for me was to translate directly the file .nod!
So I use the function F3 with celerity and also Seach/ Replace "title":"English Word" / "title":"French Word" :)

A little surprise was I must change the size of button like "Loft" -->"Surface Tendue" inside the file .nod! :)
Because seems in file .nod buttons are static!
(I can of course also Remove it and remplace it directly in the Editor with the French Nodes version: easy when few but not in many!

EDITED: 8 Dec 2015 by PILOU