Problems with sketching and extruding.

 From:  Bob (APTIVABOY)
7692.14 In reply to 7692.13 
Hi Michael.

It happens no matter which window I'm sketching in, 2D or 3D. What is so odd is that it just happened out of the blue. It just started behaving like this for no apparent reason. I had changed no settings no snaps, nothing. Again, MOI works fine for my other models. Its just this one that is all messed up and behaving badly. "On Srf" or similar does not display when I attempt to sketch, as it did in your video. Something is clearly very messed up with this model. I just can't figure out what, or why its occurred. I literally saved the file a couple of days ago after working on it, and then it acted like this the next time I started the program.

Now, what is odd is that after physically dragging the model onto the origin, suddenly things start working, at least for a time (see screenshot). From the origin, the program or model suddenly start allowing me to sketch on the surface and make extrusions. I haven't yet checked to see if Boolean operations are possible, for example, or if other operations are possible from the new position. Earlier today I tried this and it worked - briefly, and only in one plane. Any ideas on why things seem to work better when the model is moved?

Ben, I don't know what specks you're referring to, but I cleaned up the workspace and deleted any extraneous stuff that I could see. Where are those little specks you're seeing? Also, I did already save the file under a new folder and directory, but no go. Thank you for the suggestions, though.

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