Beretta M92FS Concept

 From:  TpwUK
7633.16 In reply to 7633.15 
I am not worried about the gun - The sub-machine gun looks like an AirSoft weapon, to be more honest I am more worried about that USB stick floating in front of the monitor and looking huge compared to the size of the gun :/

I am also seriously concerned that what-ever country Andrei is from that their MOD equivalent is actually approaching a freelance design studio to carry out a military contract. I admit things may have changed since my days of being associated with MOD weapons contracts, but in my experience the military would approach companies such as Beretta, Colt, S&W, Glock and others laying out what their requirements are and how many they will order for the successful applicant. Also AFAIK every firearm used by NATO forces, other than sniper rifles, are available from any decent gunsmith.

So, please Frenchy, don't feel scared, it's all fake,
