Can anyone help repair this ?

 From:  keith1961
7616.23 In reply to 7616.22 
Hi Michael
>If you wanted to specifically make something with a low polygon count that used that same process you would need to model it in a polygon >modeling tool by manipulating cage points, it's a different way to create models than the curve oriented CAD method that MoI is based on.

A couple of last questions if you have the time.

1. Once you had loaded, for example, my crab into C4D could you then have converted it to a subd model or is there something about the mesh that Moi makes that is fundamentally different to the mesh made in a native subd modeling program?

2. If I made a model with a lovely render with moi + Simlab and put the OBJ on Renderosity. Do you think people would curse me for wasting their time because the model was not made in a subd or polygon modeling program?

I'm tempted to buy Simlab and will definitely try it out.