Can anyone help repair this ?

 From:  keith1961
7616.16 In reply to 7616.14 
Hi Michael
I think I don't fully understand the basic concepts that others here have been taught or have learned through having a job that involves modeling in some way. I work in mental health services and consequently understand a lot of stuff that other people don't ever need to know about health regulation so I understand that when you guys discuss things there is an implicit understanding and a language that I will struggle with. My simplistic idea for a retirement hobby was to do something artistic; so making props for DAZ or selling models on Renderosity seemed a possibility. I'm ambivalent about the selling aspect as I don't actually need the money but on the other hand I do want to make things good enough to sell. After that I might just give them away:)

The problem I am grappling with (and its unfair to share this with you I know) is that Moi to Polymesh or Quads > Texture> Render is quite tricky and at every point there is a steep learning curb. To me most of the attached pictures have things that I didn't expect to see and it upsets the perfectionist in me. Not because there is anything wrong with Moi (its amazing) but because I can't work out how to correct them, or indeed tell if they need correction. They are as they appear in Blender, Carrara and Moi.

Image Attachments:
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