Variable Width Line Offset Command - fatT Lines

 From:  BurrMan
7594.9 In reply to 7594.8 
""""""""""would be good each time you initiate the script, it defaults to zero.""""""""""

You can open FlatLines.htm and search for 50 and change that to zero if you want..

The slider is coded as a percentage, so you will only be able to slide to "10". But you can enter any exact number also, it will just default back to a 10 slide if you use the slider....

I usually handle these with 2 sets (or more) with a second named "FlatLines 50" or 100 etc..... If larger values are needed.

I set mine to min.1 mid 5 and max 50, default 0..... Because most of the stuff I work on will be smaller stuff. This gives me a .1 to 5 with half the slider and 5 to 50 with the other half.

EDITED: 5 Sep 2015 by BURRMAN