A useful Kitbash technique for MoI3D

 From:  Michael Gibson
7592.37 In reply to 7592.34 
Hi Chipp, I watched a few minutes of the video and it definitely looks interesting. I'm not sure how much of it is very applicable to MoI though, the focus in MoI is on construction driven from 2D profile curves which is pretty different than what they're focusing on there.

> It would be interesting to better understand what your users are now using Moi for.

Well it's a quite diverse group of users, everything from students doing their first 3D design work for 3D printing all the way to people doing sci-fi graphics work like you're describing. Some people are much more likely to publicize their work than others, so it's easy to get a kind of lopsided view of the user base if you only focus in on the most highly publicized stuff.

One big thing is that MoI is very focused on being easy to learn and not very complex. It may be hard to reconcile that with a workflow like that which has a lot of special modes in it.

Having said that though, I do want to put in some work on other kinds of workflows in MoI in the future. But it will also be a priority to not ruin the "easy to learn" aspect along the way though.

It would probably work best if something like that was implemented in MoI as a custom extension rather than being built in, just like they've done there. A custom extension is more free to do complex and specifically targeted things than stock tools which have to be more focused on a wide variety of use cases.

- Michael