MoI v4 beta?

 From:  Michael Gibson
7568.44 In reply to 7568.43 
Hi Ced, I didn't design the color scheme myself, it was done by a professional designer. I've received positive comments specifically about that so I know that a lot of people do not agree with your assessment.

It's not likely to change soon so I'd appreciate it if you would quit with the snarky comments over and over and over again. If you don't like it then you are free to change it, which I thought you'd done so I don't really understand your continuing complaints about it.

As I've mentioned about another 10 times again, in the future I do want to ship MoI with a couple of different themes that you could more easily choose between. It will take some infrastructure work to do that, and I consider the color scheme to be mostly a cosmetic detail of minimal importance compared to stuff like workflow and reliability so it isn't a priority as of yet.

- Michael