Bifurcated tube

 From:  ed (EDDYF)
7409.13 In reply to 7409.12 
Piter -

Unzip and copy the following files to the MoI commands folder:



To run the SubDivide script:
Select the object.
Press Tab, enter: _subdiv_beta6 [ENTER]

To run Split script:
Select a face or an edge.
Press Tab, enter: _sSplit [ENTER]
Move slider to size.

To run Bridge script:
Select two faces.
Press Tab, enter: _sBridge script. [ENTER]
A polygon gets created to bridge the two faces.

Assign your hot keys accordingly:
Go to Options > Shortcut keys and push the "Add" button in there. In the left hand column that says "Key" put in whatever keyboard character you want to use for launching it. Then in the right-hand "Command" column put in the same thing you are currently typing in at the command line.

Ed Ferguson