Dual Monitors

 From:  Michael Gibson
7394.8 In reply to 7394.6 
Hi PaQ,

> So as a personal preference, I would eventually like to have an other 3D viewport on the second monitor
> (that's the way I work in Modo), but with couple of options, that might be tricky to implement.

I'd like to have that eventually as well.

> - different shading mode (wire, reflection, smooth shade)

This one could probably be doable for a separate view mode option for each block of viewports...

> - different shading/visibility based on active/inactive layers : very handy to get an isolate
> element on the 'working' viewport, and whole scene on the other screen.

This one on the other hand starts to get into some considerably complex UI to control so many conditional things... I'm not so sure about doing this since I'm kind of allergic to complex UI! ;)

- Michael