Meet PAT: a 3D Humanscale Model for MoI

 From:  Michael Gibson
7351.14 In reply to 7351.9 
Hi Pilou, re:

> Trying to rotate Pat Shoulder With rotaxe On Axe
> I have this!

That script error in Rotate Axis will get triggered currently if you pick a degenerate axis line, that means that the 2 points that you pick are actually stacked up on the exact same location rather than having some space between them to define a line...

So to avoid that error make sure the 2 points you pick for the axis line have at least some little bit of space between them rather than both points being in the exact same spot.

I'll make a note to update the command for Rotate Axis to just bail from the command when it received a degenerate axis rather than putting up a script error though, thanks for reporting it!

- Michael