I need help

 From:  Michael Gibson
7328.6 In reply to 7328.1 
Hi Dieter, so probably the easiest way to clean it up is to delete all the inner outlines and then rebuild them in MoI using MoI's own Construct > Offset command. MoI's curve offsetter will likely do a better job on those corner areas, it should probably get them all to be proper sharp corners rather than having little loops.

There are a few self intersections in the outer contour too though which will need to be cleaned up first, but there are fewer of these so it's probably an easier route, clean these up and then use Construct > Offset in MoI to build the other contour maybe at a slightly larger thickness though.

Here are the 3 areas that I found so far with self intersections in the outer contour, it's possible there may be more you need to zoom in a ways and move around and inspect it to make sure it's well formed:

- Michael