Confusing ... Forum & Current Version

 From:  Michael Gibson
7321.8 In reply to 7321.1 
Hi voto1979 - I will be probably putting in some effort to update the web site pretty soon.

The forum though really works very well, I probably won't be switching off of it anytime soon. It's simple and effective - I'm more concerned with the basic functionality of the forum being easy to use (which it is), rather than making it all glitzy and showy without any real purpose to that.

So you can probably expect a web site theme overhaul in not too long but probably not any changes structurally to the forum.

> even the application and as I saw some post here in the forum which reveal
> secret function which are not directly accessible through a command interface -list
> and I also found some good scripts in the forum which are not listed by the main
> website or embedded in the application.

It's a very important priority for MoI to keep it's streamlined UI and ease of use and a big part of that is not just throwing a huge pile of features right into the UI which results in a very complex jumble of information.

Simplicity is very easy to ruin just only by adding tons of things at a top visual level.

So it's intentional that some functions that are only used by a smaller number of people are somewhat hidden rather than put into the top level command UI.

In the future I do want to make scripts and extensions more easily browsable - it will take quite a bit of effort to do that and it hasn't been a high priority quite as of yet.

Anyway I certainly do agree that the web site is old and clunky and needs and update, and I expect to get to that sometime here.

It's just something that I don't really like to mess with very much, I tend to focus my effort on the software and in replying to discussions here in the forum and the web site has just not received any attention for quite a while now. To tell the truth it does not bother me all that much that it's very basic though, having things clear and easy to understand are more important to me than just looking slick.

- Michael