NVil, Samardac Config 1.0

 From:  Andrei Samardac
7299.67 In reply to 7299.66 
"Just a last one, it's me or there is no other display mode that the default one ? (you know, like reflective environment to get a better idea of surface quality)"

You mean some kind of matcaps? No there is no this thing in NVil. The only thing you can change now is specular, transparency and color. We asked for this but it was not implemented yet. I use specular to control surface quality. Works good :)

Also I just do not notice does Modo highlite creased edges with some color? If yes it indicates falloff changing along that edges? Nvil have very nice implemintation of this maximum of crise is red and minimum is white. So you can control everytime what you have.

Also if you do not like that kind of shortcuts with mouse buttons NVil is not for you. For sure you can set regular shortcuts but you will loose all advantages of NVil. The basic advantages of nvil is this kind of streamlined tools. So you can work only with shortcuts without any windows and other UI stuff. For example I works only with shortcuts and I use about only half of my keyboard. But if set all that shortcuts in Modo, Max, etc, I'll need 2 keyboards :)