NVil, Samardac Config 1.0

 From:  Andrei Samardac
7299.62 In reply to 7299.60 
I'll argument that statment about kid. NVil has this crease commands (Smardac Config):

Shortcut - B, Drag to create/modify creases.

LMB - Creas/Uncreas
RMB - Uncrease (Drop crease)
MMB - Select creased

Shortcut - N, Crease Modifier. Drag to modify Crease

LMB - Creas/Uncreas Start
RMB - Creas/Uncreas End
MMB - Bias (Change mid point of Uncreasing)
Alt+N - Reset Individual Edge Creas Modifier. (Use it when you modify Single edge that is not divided by another edges)

And this is what this shortcut (N) does this is called Falloff in MODO:

or this:

You can move Bias to change center of Falloff. You can Creas/Uncreas Start/end to control amount of crease in Falloff. (You can check that video from 1.50 to see it in work)

Does Modo has all this commands? And are they so streamlined like in NVil? (only 2 shortcuts B and N and no any windows and other needless stuff). This is why I consider NVil the best.

"Also Nvil seems to loose weight tension when you freeze your model" No it loos nothing.
I'm not very familiar with that different types of SubD in MODO but I can reproduce all that examples in seconds.

And Shaded:

I just changed amount of crease. In middle example it was set to maximum.