Evonios 2 supercar designed and created with moi3d V3

 From:  BurrMan
7289.9 In reply to 7289.5 
Hi Nikola,

""""""""""""""""""".Now is it possible somehow to import this model from moi3d to viacad and to create fillets in viacad V9 version. I saw also there is match surface tool in viacad pro version.""""""""""""""""

Yes, Viacad is a great tool to add more refined fillets. I've struggled with their match surface tool, but I haven't spent a lot of time with it.. VSR will be a good tool for this.

Lets also remember that "in the real world" there is no such thing as a sharp edge.... That is an illusion of your computer.

Also, the higher end modelers work in such a way that you "de-feature" areas for the actual manufacturing. That means you remove fillets and such so the machine tooling can make the shape.... Another reason things like this are made with NURBS....

Keep up the great work Nikola. Its a great skill to have!