Evonios 2 supercar designed and created with moi3d V3

 From:  nikola (ZENOX3D)
Thank you OSTexo and BurrMan for your feedbacks and for your advices.I must say I rarely check how my surface points look,almost never.Now I see what is going and why I have problems with my blending tool.Sometimes I'm using sweep and sometimes network,but there where some changes in the design,so bad trimming stayed and created me a mess.I will pay attention more on my point surfaces for sure.By the way I've tried to see how it will blend surfaces from my front hood design in viacad pro(trial),it is the same as in moi3d.Now I see that is how blend tool works,also now I'm getting more ideas how to do some surfaces.Maybe I will try to connect some of my surfaces with loft(it glues pretty nicely) and then to fillet it.Anyway I will keep trying with trials and errors with checking my surface points in the future,and if something interesting come up I will post it.My design looks nicely,but it is pretty complex and moves me forward to sharpen my nurbs modeling skills.Thank you again for helping me with my project.

Best Regards, Nikola