MoI suitable for vehicle designs? Closed

 From:  bigseb
7275.133 In reply to 7275.94 
>> Hi Sebastian,

>> Long time no hear, hope all is well

>> > Catia is what is used and the only software that can do the job.

>> I wouldn't say the only software, there are other high end CAD software used in the aeronautical sector, I know Boeing use Siemens NX as well as Catia and I think most aeronautical companies use a combination of a few CAD software.

>> -
>> ~Danny~

Hi Danny... yeah I've been really busy.

I got offered a position with an aeronautics engineering company that supplies Boeing, Airbus, etc (and McLaren). The industry standard is Catia for ALL product/part design. Standard as in required, no exception. Yes, we use Creo for all in-house manufacturing related design i.e. moulds, jigs, 3-axis and 5-axis programming but anything to with design parts for an aircraft has to be done with Catia. This is because only Catia allows for the strict processes that required (skeleton parts, publishing of co-ordinate systems, external reference geometry, internal reference geometry, drafting references, the list goes on.)

My point in my previous was simply that there is a difference between designing a car and designing a car, if you know what I mean...