MoI suitable for vehicle designs? Closed

 From:  chippwalters
7275.132 In reply to 7275.131 

Exactly. In the iPhone example shown above, the first image shows a row of "circular" holes in a SDS. To try and put this type of repetitive detail into a 'blob' SDS is extremely difficult if one wants to contain the overall ability to push/pull the cage. In fact, it's impossible even if one uses something like MeshFusion, which still ends up modifying the cage beyond it's 'concept' ability (though with Modo, you do have a modifier stack which you can rollback to). (Andrei, try putting in a dozen perfect small holes along the base of your car THEN continue to pull and push the main shape!).

Not to mention SDS's do not create *perfect* circles which can be spec'd at a given diameter. In fact, that's another flaw of SDS: creating accurately dimensioned parts. In 3Dprinting, I've tried creating snap and snug fits, like 3d printed nuts and bolts, and it's a huge trial and error as the dimensions from the cage to final SDS can be quite significant-- and even changes depending on the degree of SDS. I finally gave up on SDS for 3D printing and now use MoI exclusively.

Still, blobs are why SDS is so good for cartoons. There is no real need for precision or accurate detailing. It fits the bill perfectly. In fact, Andrei's car would make an excellent cartoon car for Mickey. The next step, making it actually something 'finished', is where the work-- and hours, are spent.

Showing a quick 'blob' as an example of auto design capabilities is a bit like typing text in Photoshop and claiming it can now replace page layout programs. Not equal.

Have you seen MoI Interface Builder?