MoI suitable for vehicle designs? Closed

 From:  Mauro (M-DYNAMICS)
Andrei , I confirm what i told few pages back in this thread:i was silly to insist on front part (595 Abarth)
About rest of car,front logo,rims,wipes,rubber hooks,lights,i think it's easier do in MOI...but it's just for me.
I think everybody follow the way feel better to model,you find your way and that's ok :)
I avoid to model using lot of patches to make a car,so in some cases i'll switch to sub-d (Modo)
Moi is intuitive to get the shape because it's Nurbs-based,so draw contour lines to make a surface
Contour lines give you an immediate feedback
If someone want to try a different approach like Ed's car using Max Sub-D plug-in he can do
I agree it's not intuitive to model lot of blocks and subdivide them but result is cool and Ed is proud to show his car (bravo !)

Last but not least ..if the customer happy designers ! :)