MoI suitable for vehicle designs? Closed

 From:  Karsten (KMRQUS)

I think the Problem of These discussion is the different Point of view about the meaning of design. I'm not a designer, but I think we have to clearify and find a consence about the meaning of some Terms. Here some non-binding proposals:

* product design - concepts and geometrical shaping of a product with respect to function, usability, production, matierials, estetic, communication/ iteraction with the user, haptics, Emotion,....
* estetic Styling - estecic of the form, colour, surface structure,...
* functional Styling - form follows function - depending on concepts (integral - differential design)

I had worked 14 Years for an automotive supplier and I've never heard something about Sub-D there(O.k. in Catia are a lot of Buttons;-). It may caused by the history of the companies. But I had a lot discussions about curvature stuff. I often get Models made or smoothed with ICEM. Some drafts came from ALIAS. The Styling with this Tools is a hard peace of cake (told the colleages that worked with ICEM, - No Designers!)- and very Special. I know something about the specifications for the Styling and the dataquality (Q-Checker:()
Sometimes I had to work at some blends for hours. So I don't understand the discussion about effective Styling/shaping not. For automotive styling you have to fullfill exactly some specifications and the wishes of the designer. Everybody can make a choice who he is and what he will do with Moi.

I like the contributions about other Tools and Software thank's for that to all- but a discussion about the matial arts of Chuck Norris v.s. Jean Claude van Damme in the forum of harmony is in my opinion obsolete.

Kind regards

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Benjamin Lee Whorf