MoI suitable for vehicle designs? Closed

 From:  chippwalters

I'm having trouble understanding your intention.

I think one is naive to believe modeling vehicles with polys is the only way. Certainly a person must allow for there to be more than one approach to model vehicles. Most car and boat designers I know, who actually do it for a living, don't use polys or SDS (Sub-Division Surfaces). Of course SDS can create fine models, as long as one has a good understanding of polyflow, knows how to spin quads and create edge weight maps along with another half-dozen other specific techniques, which when applied end up being VERY restrictive-- and certainly don't allow for infinite iteration. In fact, take for instance some basic TurboSquid SDS models of something simple, say an iPhone. These are among the finest SDS models on the planet.

Take a look at these and tell me exactly how easy they are now to modify by pushing a few polys around? Not very-- and these are representative of the very BEST SDS modelers in the world. So, it appears SDS doesn't provide such great workflow in even the easiest of hard surface models.

Granted, SDS modelers, like the one you use, are great for creating cartoon characters, and I would certainly agree with you your SDS program can create a better Donald Duck than MoI. But hard surface models and/or vehicles. I don't think you can really say one is substantially better than another.

Certainly fine work has been done in both.