MoI suitable for vehicle designs? Closed

 From:  Michael Gibson
7275.119 In reply to 7275.118 
Hi Andrei, you seem to have a tendency to make overly broad statements a lot in here. The things you say may be applicable to your particular modeling style or needs but they may not apply so directly to other people because they are doing something different than you with a different focus and different priorities.

For example you write:

    "For sure MoI is not good for Car Design in terms of Concepting and forms research. Polygons is perfect tool for this."

There is not just one single definition of "concepting" - one method of concept modeling is taking an idea you have visualized in your head and trying to get it constructed as a concrete model as quickly as you can. MoI can certainly be good for this type of concept modeling, it's one of the things it's primarily designed to do.

If you are talking about going into a design where you do not really have a strong definite idea about what you want and instead want to make dramatic changes like make big bulges and kind of sculpt away at it, then what you are saying makes sense. Polygons are good for mushing shapes around and making large bulgy modifications to things.

But that does not apply to everyone's idea or workflow about realizing concepts and doing concept modeling.

One of the core ideas behind MoI is that it tries to make it possible for you to really quickly construct the idea you had in your head, it's why it is named "Moment of Inspiration", because you can quickly draw things.

If that type of quick object realization does not fit with what you in particular need, then that's certainly fine. But there is no need to insult other people who do find it useful and try to claim that their style of work is somehow wrong which you seem to be doing a lot recently here.

Vehicles do tend to be a difficult type of model to create - they involve a lot of variety and changes in the surface shaping. They are difficult to do in polygons as well.

- Michael