MoI suitable for vehicle designs? Closed

 From:  OSTexo

I fail to see what makes it "ideal", now you're resorting to make believe terminology? Go back and reread what I wrote, I certainly did not use the term "ideal continuity", since you just made up that term out of thin air. I have no idea why you're talking about art forms and mathematics, I meant exactly what I said in my most recent previous post, that the concept of continuity has been used in design for hundreds of years. If you had the slightest idea what the term continuity means you'd realize those designers Mauro mentioned used and understood it, as well as countless other designers (automotive and otherwise) before and after.

You have the nasty habit of trying to make yourself look better by knocking others hard work, even when said work is perfectly relevant to the subject thread. Let's dispense with the nonsense of the context of your posts being misunderstood because of translation, you and I both know that isn't true since you exhibit the same behavior regardless of subject at hand.

You start out by knocking MoI saying it's no good for concept modeling, especially in automotive design. Then when you are shown that it can in fact be a beneficial tool in conceptual design you attack the designers proficiency with the tool. Then you try to resort to deflection and derailing the topic because your objective is not to have a constructive discussion on topic, in your mind it's how many people you can get to stroke your ego. And when someone else get's some attention for the hard work they've done, (whether a design, plugin, etc.) you try your hardest to put others accomplishments down, it's as if you can't stand not continually being in the spotlight, regardless of the consequences.

You might want to step back a moment and see how silly it's making you look. I have a thick skin when it comes to things like forums, then again I think you know the context in which I put your comments, not a big deal in my case, but they can be upsetting to others. Perhaps I've given you something to consider, if not that's OK too.