MoI GUI Builder released for Mac and PC!

 From:  Michael Gibson
7245.58 In reply to 7245.57 
Hi Abelo,

> All this UI icons are 64px X 64px.

Well not exactly - that's the source image for the icon, it's not the displayed size in the UI. The displayed size is controlled by the current UI font size. Normally the displayed size is a fair amount less than 64x64 and so the higher resolution source image gets automatically scaled down on a regular display.

On a high resolution retina display the displayed size will be larger and will probably end up using the full image maybe enlarging it slightly.

So the existing system will already be adapting pretty much fine to the retina display just using the current icons, basically the icons were already set up to be fairly larger and scaled downwards from the beginning so there shouldn't be any need to make them "even larger yet" I don't think...

If you want to experiment with it anyway, you can just edit the icon to put a larger size file in there like a 128x128 pixel one - the UI system will automatically scale the source icon to the displayed size whether that's scaling it up or scaling it down. But it's pretty unlikely that you will really see any difference from the 64x64 images.

- Michael