Hi dune1982, here are the inputs for sweep:
0 : ObjectList - Profile curves.
1 : ObjectList - Rail curves.
2 : Orientation List - List of IMoiCurveOrientation objects for profiles, for history updates leave empty on first run.
3 : Orientation List - List of IMoiCurveOrientation objects for rails, for history updates leave empty on first run.
4 : String - Point end mode, one of: 'none', 'pointystart', 'pointyend', or 'pointystartandend'
5 : String - twist type - 'freeform' or 'flat'
6 : Boolean - Maintain height true = maintain height for two-rail sweep (stretch profiles instead of uniformly scale).
7 : Boolean - cap ends true = do planar end caps.
8 : Boolean - Maintain tangent - true = use tangent preserving sweep if possible.
9 : Object - scaling rail - If set this defines a scaling curve.
10: String - Profile synch type - Options for synchronizing profiles: Auto, Exact, Refit, or NumPoints.
11: Int - Number of points to use for profile numpoints synchronization mode.
12: Point - "Flat direction" - Direction vector for twist=flat mode.
If you're still stuck could you post a complete script that has the other pieces like your helix and triangle curve being generated so I can run it over here and see what's wrong?
- Michael