Cycles for MoI

 From:  amur (STEFAN)
Hello Max, Michael and all,

because i could not find a binary for OS X on the net i compiled it myself two days ago.
I just want to let you know that it is vers. 1.7.0 standalone and your script seems no
longer compatible with it. Now Cycles requires <cycles> and </cycles> tags in the
.XML files. I also noticed that i have problems with the FOV parameters in the script
and with MoI. Once i completely omitted the FOV parameter in the .XML file, i got reasonably
render result.

Because i don't know if it was tested under OS X i like to ask if you or Michael, or
anybody else knows how to change the script so that it no longer writes in MoI's Temp
directory and how to start the Cycles program with your script under OS X.

Best regards