Voronoi Script or plugin

 From:  mat10x
7177.142 In reply to 7177.131 
Amazing update as usual Max! Thanks!

Question though...

In the updated Voronoi.v.1.11.2018.03.09 script...is there a way to create a Voronoi without having an outside edge/border automatically generated?

Would be nice to have a checkbox option for border/no border. The older Voronoi script from 2015 didn't generate a border if I recall...which was great for certain things.

Screen Shot A (from 2015 Voronoi script) > Open outside border Voronoi is what I'm looking to do with the 2018 script.
Screen Shot B > Individual cells created from running Voronoi script...which creates outside square border.
Screen Shot C > After using the "separate" function to break the cells down to delete the outside square edges...makes a mess with all the duplicate curves from each cell to get an open edge Voronoi.
