Moi and KeyShot5.1Pro

 From:  TpwUK
7096.11 In reply to 7096.10 
Wow Brian - that works way differently to mine here, surely it can't be a Mac OS X thing. I can tell you from my side of things that I can import 3DM directly from MoI, or Rhino. If I try to import Rhino models into KS with no render meshes, KS moans about no 3D geometry present, but selecting the Import NURBs option on the import dialog fixes that nag screen.

I am totally confused here and don't know what to say :/

Do you use Skype - I know there is a way to share my desktop view with you somewhere with Skype so I could show you. If so PM me with your Skype name and i'll add you in :)

Martin Spencer-Ford