How to merge coplanar surfaces?

 From:  Michael Gibson
7058.4 In reply to 7058.3 
Hi Chipp, Boolean Union will merge 2 coplanar adjacent planes into one single big plane so that's one method.

It will only work on planar surfaces though, not the rounded extruded ones in the corner area of your #2.

Sometimes it is easiest to just delete things and rebuild bigger surfaces, like for your rounded corners, delete the 2 stacked faces and then select the bottom edge and extrude it upwards and then join the extrusion in. Sometimes it's easiest to do the same thing with planar surfaces too, just delete the pieces so you have a big planar opening and use Construct > Planar to fill it in. You can run Construct > Planar in 2 different modes, either giving it a curves selection which will build trimmed plane to those curves, or giving it a joined surface and it will find naked edges in it that form closed planar boundaries and seal those off automatically joining them in too.

But another way is if you use Edit > Separate on the planes to get them to be individual surfaces, then select those and run boolean union that will then run through the coplanar merging process that is part of the booleans.

The #3 is indeed just a visual display glitch, it has to do with a pulling forward in depth to avoid curves becoming stippled and occluded by the surfaces they are sitting on. As a side effect of that pulling forward you can get bleed through instead of stippling, especially in thin wall areas. I will probably be trying some things to reduce that in the future but for now it's just a type of display artifact that you should ignore.

- Michael