Hello everybody.
I don't know if we can do that, but I would like to show you a current wip.
I think MoI is really very great, and I think too Michael is a genius.
I use cinema 4d, but with this, some shapes are difficult to realize. Not impossible but not easy. I discovered MoI since oct 2006, and i'm impressed by the great evolution. I make progress thanks to the help of Michael and Pilou. So I decide to try a wip to exercize me to MoI, but too to try a work between MoI and cinema4d. so I decided to take an example, with an at-at, that we can see in a little unknown movie ;-)
You can see the beginning here
Sorry, it's in french, but you can see only the pictures if you want ;-)
I think this wip in frenchcinema4d allows to some people to discover MoI, and the possibilities between the two softs. It's a pleasure for me to make discover moi to other people.
So, if you want, I can put here the evolution of this tests. It's a good exercize for me to improve my practice of MoI, but also my english :-) I think this can be interesting to explorate the possibilies between 2 great softs.
And I hope it can be useful for some people.
I don't know if we can post wip here.
If you think it's not the place to do this, you can erase my thread.
The beginning :
the leg :

and a fast render in c4d :

For the moment, i create objects without fillet to have a "light" version of the modele.
Sorry for my english.